Sounds similar to U got that’ - Halogen
I guess…
Sounds similar to U got that’ - Halogen
I guess…
This is so BANGER
I Think I will use it for my Indie TV series named “The Vill and Clyper show” in Episode 4 :)
I just hear Goanimate/vyond voices in that song
Did you use Garageband to make this track?
Nope, Soundtrap.
Madness combat Moment
Welp, When I heared the Low pitched monster voice saying Break out, IT SAYS BING BANG or BRING BACK?!?! I just hear the N word when sometimes they said Break out when I was playing a Spanish Geometry dash level named “Rompe rompe”
(NOTE: I found the song in a Spanish geometry dash level named “Rompe Rompe”)
This soundtrack was From Henry stickmin :)
I think I should use this for the Vill and Clyper gets grounded Goanimate/vyond series intro…
I think this Soundtrack sounds like a Hamz zimmer Soundtrack…
Male, Age 13
Bruh, Not showing this rn
Aspropyrgos, Greece
Joined on 5/3/21